County Commission
The County Commission is the county legislative body for Campbell County. The County Commission is composed of 15 members that represent five districts. Commissioners are elected by voters in their districts for four-year terms and must represent substantially equal populations based on the most recent federal census. Each district is represented by three members. Commissioners must reside within the district they represent and be a qualified voter of that district.
The County Commission holds workshops on the second Monday of each month, and meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Both are held at 6:00 PM. Local media records each meeting for the public to view. If the second or third Monday fall on a government holiday, then the workshop or meeting affected will be moved to the next day.

Administrative Assistant
Tabitha Davis
570 Main Street Suite 110
PO Box 835
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Phone: 423-562-9961
Fax: 423-563-5426
Addressing the County Commission
The public can address the County Commission at workshops only.
To address the Commission, please submit your request using the form below before noon (12:00 PM) on the day of the meeting, so that you can be allocated time in the meeting’s agenda. You may also sign in on the night of the meeting. Speakers will be given time in the order of which they have signed in. In consideration of time, the number of speakers will be at the discretion of the chairman.
You will be given 3 minutes for your initial presentation to the Commission. Commissioners may ask questions during and after your presentation. It will then be decided if the topic will be sponsored by a commissioner or if it should go before a committee for further review.
Campbell County Committee Assignments
The County Commissioners are each assigned to committees that focus on serving different needs in our county. Click below for a list of the Campbell County committees and the commissioners currently assigned to each.

Dewayne Gibson
District 1

Zachary Marlow
District 1

David Adkins
District 1

Chris Paul
District 2

Dewayne “Mailman” Kitts
District 2

Beverly Hall
District 2

Lawrence “Rusty” Orick, Vice-Chair
District 3

Scott Stanfield
District 3

Dewayne Baird
District 3

Sue Nance
District 4

Charles Baird
District 4

Johnny Bruce, Chairman
District 4

Tyler King
District 5

Derrick Sharp
District 5

Michael Douglas
District 5
How does the County Commission serve me?
Each County Commissioner is a representative of the population within their district. Voters elect commissioners whom they believe will accurately represent their needs in county government discussions. Commissioners look out for the needs of their district when governmental decisions are being made so that the people have a voice to speak on their behalf. For a full list of the duties of the County Commission, use this PDF from County Technical Assistance Service.
When do I need to submit a request to address the County Commission?
To be added to the workshop agenda, you must submit your request prior to noon (12:00 PM) on the day of the session. You can submit your request using the form above. You may also sign up to speak on the night of workshop. Speakers will be called in order. In consideration of time, the number of speakers will be at the discretion of the chairman.