Office of Circuit Court Clerk
The Office of Circuit Court Clerk serves the Circuit, General Sessions, Juvenile, and Criminal Courts of Campbell County. The Circuit Court Clerk’s mission is to diligently and professionally serve the needs of the courts, legal community, and citizens of the county. Campbell County Circuit Court is located at 570 Main Street, Jacksboro, TN 37757. You can visit the Circuit Court Clerk website by clicking below.
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Circuit Court Clerk
Bobby W. Vann
570 Main Street
PO Box 26
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Mon-Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
General Sessions, Juvenile, & Judge Sammons: 423-562-2624
Criminal Court & Judge Sexton: 423-562-2624
Circuit Court & Judge McAfee: 423-562-0296
About the Courts
Circuit Court
Circuit Courts are courts of general jurisdiction. Circuit judges hear civil and criminal cases and appeals from City, General Sessions, Juvenile, and Municipal Courts, and the Circuit Court’s jurisdiction often overlaps with that of the Chancery Courts. Criminal cases may be tried in Circuit Court as well. The Campbell County Circuit Court Judge is the Honorable John McAfee.
General Sessions Court
General Sessions Court hears civil and criminal cases as well as matters that used to be handled by justices of the peace. The General Sessions Court’s civil jurisdiction is restricted to specific monetary limits and types of actions, and its criminal jurisdiction is limited to preliminary hearings in felony cases and misdemeanor trials in which a defendant waives the right to a grand jury investigation and trial by jury in Circuit or Criminal Court. General Sessions judges are elected to eight-year terms. The Campbell County General Sessions Judge is the Honorable Amanda Sammons.
Criminal Court
Criminal Courts are established by the General Assembly to relieve Circuit Courts in areas of heavy caseloads. In addition to their jurisdiction over criminal cases, Criminal Court judges also hear misdemeanor appeals from lower courts. In some cases, criminal cases may be handled at the trial level by Circuit Court judges. The Campbell County Criminal Court Judge is the Honorable Shayne Sexton.
Juvenile Court
Juvenile Courts have jurisdiction in proceedings involving minors who are claimed to be delinquent, unruly, dependent, or neglected. Juvenile Court may share some jurisdiction with Circuit, Chancery, and Probate Courts in some areas. The Campbell County Juvenile Court Judge is Honorable Amanda Sammons.
Justices of Campbell County Courts
Honorable Bill Jones
General Sessions, Juvenile
580 Main Street
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Honorable John McAfee
PO Box 665
Tazewell, TN 37879
Honorable Zack Walden
PO Box 852
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Jury Duty
When you are assigned to jury duty, you are being asked to perform one of the highest duties of citizenship. You will be sitting in judgment on facts that will decide civil disputes and determine the guilt or innocence of those charged with crimes.
Jury duty is an obligation of citizenship and represents your contribution to our democratic way of life. As a juror, your duty will be to arrive on time, be attentive to your duties, keep your oaths, and weigh in on the deliberation so a verdict of truth and justice may be reached.
Selection Process
Jurors are selected at random. The Campbell County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office receives a list of licensed drivers in Campbell County from the Tennessee Department of Safety. The Clerk’s Office then selects jurors from this list using a random drawing.
Juror Compensation
Jurors are paid $11.00 for each day that they report to court. However, you will not be paid for jury duty until the end of the term. An optional lunch will also be provided by the county. The Office of the Circuit Court Clerk will provide you with an excuse form that you can give to your employer to excuse you from showing up to work. If you have a problem with an employer about your wages, please contact the Clerk’s Office so they can help resolve the problem. Under Tennessee law, employers with 5 or more employees must excuse you from work and pay you the difference between your salary and what the county pays for jury duty. If you have been employed on a temporary basis for 6 months, then this rule will not apply to you. Tennessee law also states that no employer may fire or in any way discriminate against an employee for serving on jury duty.
Jury Service
On your day of jury service, please come prepared to spend a full day in court. Make sure you have made appropriate arrangements for family obligations such as picking up children from school, babysitting, etc. If selected to sit on a jury panel, you will not be able to leave until the judge releases you at the end of the case or recesses until the following day.
If you have any questions about jury duty, please call the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office at 423-562-2624 during office hours.
How much will I have to pay in court fees?
The total cost for an offense is determined by the Judge and can vary depending on the circumstances of the case. You can use this guideline to get an idea of how much filing fees and court costs may cost. Please contact the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office for your total cost before submitting any form of payment.
When are court sessions held?
You can view the Calendar on the Circuit Court Clerk’s website for a detailed schedule of court dates and times.