Renew Your Vehicle Registration Without Leaving Your Car!
Use our drive thru at the annex building next to the CCSO to renew your vehicle registration! The window is open Monday – Friday 8:15 AM to 4:15 PM. There are signs in the parking lot to direct you.
County Clerk’s Office
The Campbell County Clerk’s Office provides many services to the citizens of Campbell County, including automobile registrations, driver’s license renewals, notary public applications, marriage license applications, business license issuance, and more.
Quick Links

Campbell County Clerk
Todd Nance
PO Box 450
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Phone: 423-562-4985
Fax: 423-566-3852

590 Main St, Suite A 21
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Driver’s License Renewals:
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Drive Thru for Vehicle Registration Renewals:
Mon-Fri: 8:15 AM – 4:15 PM
705 E Central Avenue
LaFollette, TN 37766
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
315 S Main Street
Jellico, TN 37762
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wed: 8:30 AM – 12 PM
First and Last Saturday of the Month: 8:30 AM – 12 PM
Driver’s License
The Campbell County Clerk’s Office is contracted with the State of Tennessee Department of Safety to provide citizens of Campbell County with driver’s license and identification card renewals and duplicates only. These services are only available at the main office in Jacksboro.
Please note: as an express location, the County Clerk’s Office is unable to perform any driver’s testing, driver’s license transfers from other states, renew commercial driver’s licenses, reinstate driver’s licenses, or issue concealed carry permits. For those services, you will need to visit a TN Driver Services Center, the closest of which is in Oak Ridge.
If you are a citizen of Campbell County wishing to renew your driver’s license or identification card, you must submit your renewal notice and your current license or ID to the Campbell County Clerk’s Office in Jacksboro. In the event you did not receive a notice from the state to renew, you will be required to complete an application provided by the state.
If your driver’s license is lost or stolen, you may apply to receive a duplicate license at the Campbell County Clerk’s Jacksboro office. You must bring a form of identification to apply for the duplicate, such as a birth certificate, social security card, or work/school ID card. If you are a Tennessee resident who has a change of residency within Campbell County, the County Clerk’s Office can also change the address on your driver’s license. Tennessee state law requires that you must have the address changed on your license within 10 days of a change of residency.
Identification Cards
The Campbell County Clerk’s Office can only renew and replace identification cards. If you wish to apply for an identification card for the first time or change a driver’s license to an identification card, then you must go to a full-service TN Driver Services Center.
New Residents
The Campbell County Clerk’s Office cannot process new resident applications for driver’s licenses or returning resident applications. The County Clerk can only handle changes of address for existing residents. New residents must go to a TN Driver Services Center to process those applications.
Title & Registration
To title a vehicle, you must provide proof of Tennessee residency in order to receive Tennessee title and registration. If you have a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card, you can simply provide those when making an application for a title. New residents who have not yet obtained a Tennessee driver’s license or identification card must furnish two (2) proofs of Tennessee residency with their out-of-state driver’s license in order to register and title a vehicle in Tennessee.
All vehicles must be registered at the time of applying for a title. You cannot apply for a title only.
Registration Renewals
All residents of Campbell County must renew their vehicle registrations at one of the offices of the Campbell County Clerk. To renew your vehicle registration, submit either a renewal notice or a copy of your current registration. For information on fees, please contact our office.
Note: Renewal notices are now being mailed as postcards instead of letters. Be on the lookout for a postcard to let you know it’s time for renewal.
Used Vehicles
When titling a used vehicle purchased from an individual, make sure you receive a signed Certificate of Title from the previous owner. The signature should appear under “Assignment of Title by Registered Owner.” Only dealerships may pass ownership without titling the vehicle in their names.
**Make sure that the person’s name from whom you are purchasing the vehicle appears on the front of the title and that they have signed exactly how their name(s) appear on the face of the Certificate of Title.
If the title has two (2) owners on the front with the conjunction AND connecting the two names, both signatures must appear. When you receive the Certificate of Title, you should sign to accept ownership of the vehicle, then bring the title to the County Clerk’s Office.
You will be required to pay sales tax on the vehicle, a registration fee, and a title fee. You cannot apply for a title only; all vehicles must be registered at the time of title application.
Titling and Registration Fees
Please contact our office for fees.
New Residents
New residents who wish to title and register in Tennessee must surrender their out of state title, if in their possession. If you have a lien on your vehicle and do not have the title in your possession, you should bring your current vehicle registration and the full address of the lienholder when you come to the County Clerk’s Office. Make sure the address you provide is the location where the title is being held and not just where you send payments.
Noting of Liens
To note a lien, you must submit the Tennessee Certificate of Title, an Application for Noting of Lien on Certificate of Title, and a copy of the security agreement which identifies the vehicle and is signed.
Vehicle Registration App
You can download the Auto Assistant app on your mobile device for an easily accessible electronic copy of your vehicle registration and proof of insurance. You will also be able to receive notifications of when it’s time to renew and then renew your registration in the app.
Boat Registration
If you wish to register a boat in the state of Tennessee, you must apply for registration at the County Clerk’s Office, unless the boat is purchased from a dealer.
New Purchase
When purchasing a new boat in Tennessee from a dealer, make sure you are provided with a completed application for Boat Certificate of Number. If the dealership processes the paperwork, make sure they give you the yellow copy of the application because it acts as your temporary registration. If they provide you with both the white and yellow copy, please mail the white copy with the appropriate fee to:
Boat Registration
PO Box 41729
Nashville, TN 37204-1729
When you purchase a boat from an individual, you should receive the registration card to the watercraft and a bill of sale. Once you have the required documentation, you must come to the County Clerk’s Office to apply for your boat registration. At that time, you will need to remit taxes on the purchase price and a fee of $7.00. You will be given a receipt for sales tax paid and an application for Boat Certificate of Number. The white copy of this application should be mailed with the appropriate fees to the address provided. Keep the yellow copy as your temporary registration.
You can renew your Tennessee boat registration at the Campbell County Clerk’s Office. To renew your boat registration, you must have either the renewal notice or the previous boat registration, as well as the owner’s birth date. You will receive a temporary registration until the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency mails you your new registration card and decal.
You may also renew your boat registration online.
New Residents
If you are a new resident to Tennessee and would like to register your watercraft in Tennessee, you must provide proof of ownership (current registration card or title) and proof that taxes were collected (bill of sale). When registering, you may be required to pay additional sales tax on the watercraft. Otherwise, the process is the same for new residents as it is for new purchases.
Business License
Each business has up to 20 days after it opens to apply for a county business license. The initial business license fee is $15.00. If a business is located within the city limits of a municipality, the business is also required to obtain a city license, which can be applied for at city hall. If the business has gross receipts totaling $3,000.00 or less, the business is not subject to hold a business license; however, it must have an exemption statement on file. A business planning to gross between $3,000.00 and $100,000.00 per year may apply for a Minimal Activity License, which is renewable yearly at the County Clerk’s Office for a fee of $15.00, and no return or tax payments are made to the Department of Revenue.
Business Classifications
There are 5 business classifications based on the activities of the business. Below are examples of the activities associated with each business classification.
- Class 1 – Gas stations, grocery stores, lumber & building supplies
- Class 2 – Restaurants, car dealers, clothing stores
- Class 3 – Body shops, beauty shops, janitorial services, general services
- Class 4 – Contractors, sub-contractors, exterminators
- Class 5 – Industrial loan and thrift companies, natural gas marketers
At the end of the business’s fiscal year, tax payments should be made online to the Tennessee Department of Revenue.
Sales Tax Certificate & Number
All sales tax matters should be directed to the Tennessee Department of Revenue – Taxpayer Services in Knoxville: 865-594-6100. An application form with the address and phone numbers is available at the County Clerk’s Office.
Marriage License
Tennessee residents and out-of-state residents may apply for a marriage license at the Campbell County Clerk’s Office. Both applicants must be present in order to apply for a marriage license. Marriage license applicants must provide identification in the form of a valid state driver’s license, valid state identification card, or certified birth certificate. If you are not a citizen of the United States, you will need a passport or other documentation to prove you are legally in the country. Applicants will be required to fill out a written application for the marriage license.
The fee for applying for a marriage license in Campbell County is $105, unless participants have taken a Premarital Counseling Course. If the four hours of Premarital Counseling have been completed, the counselor must fill out the Premarital Counseling form. Then the marriage license fee is $45.00.
Notary Public
All notaries must be at least 18 years of age (8-18-101). United States citizenship is not a requirement for a person to hold the office of notary public (8-16-101). Notaries are elected by the county legislative body in the county in which they reside or have their principal place of business (8-18-101) and are commissioned by the governor (8-16-102). A person with a principal place of business in a Tennessee county may be elected a notary in that county even though that person’s residence is in another state (18-16-101). The same basic disqualifications exist for notaries as for other county offices (8-18-101). A notary may be removed from office just as any other county official. The notary’s term is 4 years, beginning on the date of issuance of the commission by the governor (8-16-103).
How to Become a Notary Public
To become a notary public, you need to submit an application to the Campbell County Clerk’s main office in Jacksboro. The fee for a new notary is $40.29. The County Commission will then vote to approve your application. Once you have been approved, you will be issued a commission by the Secretary of State to become a notary. When the County Clerk receives this commission, the office will notify you to surrender a bond from an insurance company or from personal sureties. Personal surety bonds must be approved by the County Commission.
Renewal is by the same method as the original procedure. Notary renewals are $12.50.
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
The Campbell County Clerk’s Office can issue hunting and fishing licenses to residents and non-residents. To apply for a hunting or fishing license, you must bring a state driver’s license, state identification card, or certified birth certificate and social security card. If you currently hold a Tennessee hunting or fishing license, you may bring that instead of the other forms of documentation.
For more information and regulations, consult TWRA Fishing and TWRA Hunting.
License renewals can be processed online.
County Building Permit
A county building permit grants legal permission to construct, enlarge, or remodel a building within Campbell County. Building permits within city limits of municipalities are issued by those city offices.
Before a building permit can be issued, you must first obtain a septic permit. You may do this by contacting the TDEC Knoxville Office (865)-594-6035. You may then apply for a building permit at the County Clerk’s Office. You will need to provide the name of the property owner, address, and square footage of living space when you apply.
Beer Permit
It is unlawful for anyone to sell beer within the unincorporated area of Campbell County without a beer permit.
Beer Permit Application Process
To be eligible for a beer permit, you must first have a valid Campbell County business license. Applicants who plan to sell beer within the unincorporated area of the county must complete and submit a beer permit application to the Campbell County Clerk’s Office. The fee for the permit is $250.00. If beer was sold at the location previously and the existing business was purchased by the new applicant, the old permit must be surrendered to the County Clerk before a new permit can be issued.
After the application is submitted, it must be approved by the Campbell County Commission. When you submit an application to the County Clerk, you will be placed on the County Commission agenda for the next scheduled meeting. You must be present at this meeting for your permit to be approved. The beer permit must be notarized twice, once by the signature of the applicant and once by the signature of the witnesses.
Server Training and Certification
Employees serving or selling alcoholic beverages within the unincorporated areas of Campbell County must complete a program of alcoholic beverage server training. Contact the County Clerk’s Office for a list of approved trainers.