Campbell County Election Commission
The Campbell County Election Commission’s office provides East Tennesseans with all the resources they need to vote and participate in local, state, county, and federal elections as valued citizens of Campbell County. We ensure that you can do your civic duty in a responsible and timely manner.

Administrator of Elections
Mallory Rosenfeld
Election Commission
Jamie M. Ball, Chairman
Joanne Watts, Secretary
Marshall McKamey
Brent McNeeley
Brian Younce
129 Church Alley
PO Box 84
Jacksboro, TN 37757
Phone: 423-562-9777
Fax: 423-562-9758
Where do I vote?
Look at your voter registration card.
Each voter is mailed a voter registration card when they register to vote containing their voting precinct and corresponding district numbers listed on the back of the card. If you do not have a current voter registration card, then we encourage you to call our office to request a new one. You can also access your current registration status and precinct information by clicking here.
Look at the Election District Maps
You can find your district’s voting precincts using these maps. The area highlighted in yellow on each map shows you where you can vote in the following elections: U.S. House District, State House District, State Senate District, County Commission District, Road Commission District, School Board District, and the Constable District. The address of your precinct, and any corresponding city within your precinct will be identified.
Campbell County Election Districts – District Chart
Some of the maps indicate multiple districts within the categories of US House and State House Districts because the precinct is split. The correct district will be listed on your card. Since the implementation of the Photo ID law in Tennessee in 2012, you no longer have to have a voter registration card with you in order to vote, but it is an important piece of information for the correct identification of your voting information as well as containing your voter registration number.
The red outline on each of the district maps represents the County Commission District which make up multiple School Board and Road Commission Districts.
Am I eligible to vote absentee by mail?
To vote by-mail, a registered voter must meet certain requirements. You can vote absentee by-mail if you fall under one of the following categories:
- You are sixty (60) years of age or older.
- You will be outside the county where you are registered during the early voting period and all day on Election Day.
- You or your spouse are a full-time student in an accredited college or university outside the county where you are registered.
- You reside in a nursing home, assisted living facility or home for the aged outside your county of residence.
- You are a candidate for office in the election.
- You are observing a religious holiday that prevents you from voting in person during the early voting period and on Election Day.
- You serve as an Election Day official or as a member or employee of the election commission.
- You will be unable to vote in-person due to jury duty.
- You have a physical disability and an inaccessible polling place.
- You or your spouse possess a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL), or Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card and you will be working outside the state or county of registration during the open hours of early voting and Election Day and have no specific out-of-county or out-of-state address to which mail may be sent or received during such time.
- You are a member of the military or are an overseas citizen.
- You are on the permanent absentee list.
***There are multiple ways to request an absentee ballot for a particular election as outlined below***
- Call the Election Commission at 423-562-9777 or stop by to request they send you the absentee ballot request. Sign it and check the appropriate party preference (if applicable to a Primary Election) and mail the request back to the Campbell County Election Commission.
- If you are not in the military or not an out of country US Citizen, you can use the fillable online Regular Absentee Request, when available. Print it out, sign it and return it to the Campbell County Election Commission.
- If you are in the military or are an out of country US Citizen, you will use the Military/Overseas Ballot (FPCA Form 76). Either of the following links can be used. One is for first time users which will take you to the FVAP site and walks you through filling out the form. If you are already familiar with the Form 76 then you can use the (repeat user) link. The completed FPCA form 76 form will act as a request for all elections to be held in the upcoming election cycle. You will have to print the form after completing it, sign it, and mail to the Campbell County Election Commission. Postage is not necessary for military applicants, but you will need to use the Military Postage Template provided with the form.
More Information on Military/Overseas (UOCAVA)
- If you do not choose to use the request form above, you may also request a by-mail absentee ballot, through mail, fax, or email with an attached document, which includes “your actual scanned signature” and the following information directly to the election commission office:
- Name of the registered voter.
- Address of the voter’s residence.
- Voter’s social security number.
- Voter’s date of birth.
- Address to mail the ballot outside the county (this applies only when the reason for voting by mail involves that the voter will be outside of the county during early voting and on Election Day)
- The election in which the voter wishes to participate. If the election involves a primary, the political party in which the voter wishes to participate.
- Reason the voter wishes to vote absentee. (must meet certain requirements) If applicable, a copy of the CDL containing the CDL number or the TWIC card must be included in the voter’s request.
- Voter’s signature.
A request that contains this information will be processed and a ballot will be mailed to the voter. You must check to see if you meet the qualifications under the certain requirements for your request to be processed. The request must contain your actual signature in order to process. If the necessary requirements are not completed, then the request will be rejected.
Your request needs to be mailed to the Campbell County Election Commission, PO Box 84, Jacksboro, TN 37757-0084
Or emailed to
For more information, please visit the State of Tennessee’s page on Absentee Voting.
What about Non-Resident Property Rights voting?
Pursuant to T.C.A. § 2-2-107(3): Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, if a municipal charter provides for property rights voting, no more than 2 persons shall be entitled to vote based upon the ownership of an individual tract of property regardless of the number of property owners.
What this code is referring to is that in Tennessee, if you own property within the city limits of a city that allows for non-resident property rights voting in its charter, but you do not actually live within that city limit, you still have the right to participate in that city’s municipal election, provided you properly register that specific property with the Election Commission.
So, for example, you could live in the city of Jacksboro and own a piece of property within the city limits of La Follette and be able to vote in both city elections, provided you have properly registered your LaFollette property with the Campbell County Election Commission Office. You must register that specific piece of city property with the Election Commission Office in order to have the ability to vote on its behalf. IT IS NOT AUTOMATICALLY DONE JUST BECAUSE YOU OWN THE PROPERTY! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO REGISTER IT!
In Campbell County are municipalities are Caryville, Jacksboro, LaFollette, and Jellico. All these municipalities have provisions within their charters to allow for non-resident property rights voting.
To register for non-resident property rights voting on a specific piece of property, you must complete a registration form for that property (separate from your regular registration) and provide the Campbell County Election Commission Office with a certified copy of your recorded deed for your city property.
You may register in person at the Election Commission Office located at 129 Church Valley, Jacksboro, TN, 37757-0084.
Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
You can also register by mail by sending your registration application, properly filled out, and a copy of your recorded warranty deed to
Campbell County Election Commission Office
P.O. Box 84
Jacksboro, TN 37757-0084.